Having equipment out of action not only costs money, but may also impact your customers by giving them a disappointing experience at your establishment. With our team of fully trained electrical and gas safe engineers, we are able to quickly react to any emergency repairs needed on your Rational. If a breakdown does occur, you can rely on our qualified team, our vans carry a large stock of spare parts, which enables a first time fix in the majority of cases.
We have catering engineers that are qualified to look after and certify:
Forced & naturally aspirated fryers
Grills, griddles & hot tops
Bain marie & cabinet heaters
All types of ovens; from pizza to large bakery units
Vented tea urns & water heaters (Please note: We do not test pressure boilers)
In addition to the appliances above, we also offer some very specialised services, which include:
Ventilation & extract gas interlock systems
Gas pressure proving systems
Commercial mobile catering (Burger vans, barbeques, etc.)